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Call For Applications and Nominations:  January 2025

Doc Diss. Awards

Nominations Solicited for 2025-26

Alvin R. Tarlov & John E. Ware Jr. Doctoral Dissertation and Post-Doctoral Awards in Patient-Reported Outcomes



Application Due Date:

Saturday, May 31, 2025 by Midnight EST



The Board of Directors of the Health Assessment Laboratory (HAL) is pleased to announce a second cycle for
the solicitation of applications for the 2025-26 cycle of the Alvin R. Tarlov & John E. Ware Jr. Doctoral
Dissertation and Post-Doctoral Awards in Patient Reported Outcomes. The purpose of these awards is to
encourage doctoral dissertations and post-doctoral research using patient reported outcomes. We envision up to
two (2) total awards being given for the 2025-26 academic year, with each award being for $25,000 ($20,000
made in September 2025, and an additional $5,000 upon receipt of a satisfactory progress report submitted at
the end of your academic year and no later than July 1, 2026.
Eligibility for the 2025-26 academic year is limited to U.S. citizens, enrolled in U.S-based:
  1. PhD doctoral programs or PhD post-doctoral fellowships in U.S. research programs
  2. MD residency or fellowship trainees, in U.S. residency programs
  3. MDs who are 1-3 years post residency, in U.S. hospital academic medical systems

This award is named in honor of the Health Assessment Laboratory's founders, Dr. Alvin Tarlov and Dr. John
Ware, Jr. - two of the world's leading pioneers in the development and use of patient-reported outcome
measures. The Health Assessment Lab is a freestanding not-for-profit organization with the goal of advancing
state-of-the-art tools for monitoring health care services and health outcomes from the patient/consumer point
of view. Historically it has had four missions: development and validation of new measures; translation and
adaptation of tools for use in international research; technical assistance in support of patient-based tools in a
variety of specific applications; and education and training in psychometrics as applied to the health care field.

The Selection Committee for 2025-26 is chaired by Professor Eugene Nelson, DSc, a HAL Board Member,
Director of the Population Health Measurement Program at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and
Clinical Practice, and Professor of Community and Family Medicine at Geisel School of Medicine at
Dartmouth College. Other members of the selection committee include: Shelly Greenfield, MD (University of
California, Irvine), Lewis Kazis, ScD (Boston University) Sherry Kaplan, PhD (University of California,
Irvine), and Lisa Zubkoff, PhD (VA and University of Alabama at Birmingham). Members of the selection committee will be required to recuse themselves from discussions and votes on any applicants from their home institution or any affiliated entities.

Fundable proposals will be dissertations or post-doctoral research projects that use patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as a dependent variable. Patient reported outcome measures that will be considered include: (a) PROMs: patient reported outcome measures related to symptoms, health status and health related quality of life, and (b) PREMs: patient reported experience measures related to a patient’s experiences in seeking healthcare or in using healthcare services such as access, communication, caring and concern, patient-clinician relationship, shared decision-making, engagement in care planning, continuity, etc.
Requirements for Applicants:
1. Doctoral dissertation applicants must either a) defend their dissertation proposal prior to the submission of the application, or b) have the proposal defense scheduled, and include the date of the proposal defense in the applicant’s cover letter and confirmation of the scheduled proposal defense in the dissertation advisor’s letter of recommendation.
2. All proposed work must be completed within 12 months of receiving the initial funding.

Documents required for applications:


1. Cover letter including a brief description of yourself and your project, as well as:
a. Name of degree-granting institution and program, including contact information
b. Name and contact information of dissertation advisor
c. Dissertation applicants should include statement about the successful defense of their dissertation proposal or include the date of the scheduled proposal defense
2. CV (including school email address, personal email address, US Postal Address, and other contact information)
3. Two recommendations (including one from dissertation advisor/primary mentor). For dissertation applicants, the dissertation advisor should confirm successful dissertation proposal defense or confirm the planned date of the proposal defense
4. 8-10 page narrative (excluding appendices) on the dissertation, including the:
a. Title
b. Overall aims of proposed work
c. Specific research questions
d. Conceptual framework or model
e. Proposed methods for work
f. Importance or implications of using patient-reported outcomes (as a dependent variable)
g. Proposal/project timeline or Gantt chart to demonstrate the proposed work will be completed within
     12 months of the start of funding.

The application should be on standard paper size (8.5” x 11”). Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom,
left, and right) for all pages. Use an Arial or Helvetica typeface and a font size of 11 or 12 points. The text of the
application should be single-spaced. Use headings and sub-headings to separate sections and label tables and
The review process will not include Pink Sheet-like critiques; the review adopts the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation policy of only providing decisions. Applicants may apply more than once.
Questions regarding the application process or content can be sent to or visit
the HAL website at

Application due date: Saturday, May 31, 2025

(Midnight Eastern Standard Time).


Please submit the application
via email to

Dr. Eugene Nelson, Chair, Selection Committee, and Member, Board of Directors, Health Assessment
Laboratory, Dr. Lisa Zubkoff, President, Board of Directors, Health Assessment Laboratory, Inc.




Nominations Solicited for 2025 Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs)

Career Achievement Prize of $20,000 (USD)


Application Due Date:

Saturday, May 3, 2025 by Midnight, US EST


We are seeking nominations for the 2025 Health Assessment Lab/Medical Outcomes Trust* John Ware and Alvin Tarlov Career Achievement Prize in Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs), which includes a $20,000 honorarium.


Upon submission of nominations, candidates are reviewed by a panel of experts selected by the Health
Assessment Lab/Medical Outcomes Trust and the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).
Recipients of the prize are announced and honored at ISQua's Annual International Conference, which will be held October 12-15, 2025 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The recipient will be expected to be present and share
reflections on his/her work and how it has contributed to the field.

The award is named in honor of the Health Assessment Laboratory/Medical Outcomes Trust's founders, Dr.
John E. Ware, Jr., and Dr. Alvin Tarlov - two of the worlds leading pioneers in the development and use of
patient reported outcome measures.


The successful candidate will have made significant contributions to the field of PROMs throughout their
career. Examples might include being:


​1. Measurement Development: A leader in developing patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) for
enhancing patient-centered research, improving outcomes, and engaging patients in their own care.
2. Research: A leader in promoting the adoption of PROMs for clinical, comparative effectiveness and
health services research.
3. Improvement: A leader who promotes the use of PROMs for improving health care delivery and
population health programs.

4. Education: A leader who promotes the use of PROMs for educating health care professionals on how
to improve their ability to measurably improve the outcomes of things that matter most to patients.

To submit a nomination or self-nominate,

please (a) send a cover letter to nominate the individual, and
(b) send a CV of the individual nominated.


Nominations should be submitted to:

by Saturday, May 3, 2025 by Midnight, US,  EST



© 2022 Health Assessment Lab


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